Hello! My name is Mariam Mary-Ellen (Mariam Tselishcheva).
I am from Ufa, Russia. I paint flowers and landscapes in the technique of realism by oil, pastel, alcohol ink.
But a special place in my work is occupied my paintings in which flowers, people, statues, scraps of paper and gold foil are mixed together, and all this gives rise to a complex conceptual plot-reflection on who we are. These paintings are part of my "Who We Are" project.
I actively exhibit and sell my work around the world.
I'm a member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia.
I have no art education, I took painting lessons at a private school. I have been painting since 2016.
There is wrote an article about me in a book about the artists of my native region in my homeland. And there is set the flag at the North Pole with my name and the names of other artists-winners of the "Favorite Artists of Bashkiria" award.
I really want to my paintings give their owners positive emotions and pleasure. I will paint even if no one pays me for it, because that's what I draw my resources from.